Saturday, April 6, 2013

Blogging with purpose!

        For years now I have followed several teacher's blogs and loved the creativity I saw in them. The amount of pins on Pinterest I have found from them is massive! Class blogging has definitely become my favorite technology.

        Check out this video about how a high school teacher who used podcasts to teach his students if they were away or sick, to reinforce student learning and understanding, and to use class time for more effective purposes. These he suggests are to be posted on YouTube but can easily be posted on the classroom blog under a sub-page. Any way, enough of my talk - check out how amazing this science class is: 

        There are so many opportunities for added communication and participation on a classroom blog. This site lists 10 reasons why having a classroom website is a great idea. It also gives information on how to create a website if you are unfamiliar with how they work. I encourage you to read it and take it to heart. 

       Classroom teachers can put their weekly newsletters on the class blog instead of having to print several copies. Teachers can post pictures (only if they have parents permission) of students working and their finished projects for the whole family to see. Students can also publish writings on the blog, listen to oral readings of stories, comment on homework assignments if they have questions, and catch up on lessons they missed. The possibilities are enormous! 

        This blog I have been following talks about different applications you can use on your blog to help give it even more technology flair! It provides the links to the programs. If you are considering or have a classroom blog, then check this out! 

Classroom blogs reinforce learning in several ways and they all differ based on what type of material can be found in them. Podcasts allow for students to pause or rewind if they come across a difficult concept. Students are able to learn on their own pace. Teachers can provide feedback on different assignments that help students understand what is expected of them. It helps students become technologically literate which Doering & Roblyer say they will need in their career or college tracks (Doering, A.H, & Roblyer M.D. 2013). Classroom blogs have a great amount of potential that only grows as the site does!

        Doering, A. H., & Roblyer, M. D. (2013). Integrating educational technology into teaching. (6 ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.


  1. Hey Brittany,
    I never realized how much you can do on a blog until this class and reading your blog. I have always seen friends with blogs about their family and whats going on with their lives but I didn't realize how helpful they are with teaching. I do see how much easier it is to put important information on the blog for parents and students to see. You can save time and money by not having to type emails or print papers to go home. I also enjoy the podcast on students being able to see what they missed at school if they were absent on the computer. That really helps a student if they are going to be out for a while so they can stay caught up. There is so much you can do with technology these days and thank you for helping me to learn more about blogs. I enjoyed reading your post this week! Thanks for the information!

  2. Brittany,
    I love your blog page!
    Podcasts are such a great way to teach your students if they are away or sick. What's even greater is that you only have to have your computer and an Internet connection.
