Monday, April 29, 2013

So much in one post!

Hey, all! This post will have a lot! I am going to be combining my Web 2.0 resources along with talking about my Google Reader experience. First things first, Web 2.0!

Web 2.0

My theme is plants. I really enjoyed doing this. My favorites were the ones from Big Huge Labs. Here are three of my projects from that:

Here is my mosaic. Now, students can compare plant parts for this and different ecosystems and habitats. Then, they can choose one habitat they want to focus on and create a mosaic with pictures of plants that live in them.


And here is a movie poster for photosynthesis. This would be great for an introduction to a unit or to send home to parents to keep them informed.


Finally from Big Huge Labs, here is a little funny motivational poster I created to encourage students to finish their homework. 


I also created a concept map for plants:

For this, students can elaborate on the points, pick subtopics to focus on, or lead a discussion. Also, we can add more bubbles as they learn more.


Here is my Glogster post: (This should be viewed in Internet Explorer. The video will not work with Google Chrome)


And here is my Animoto video =)
 This can guide a discussion on different habitats and their effects on how trees grow.


Google Reader

The Google Reader assignment kept me quite busy. Every time I went on there, there was SO much to read! I enjoyed the experience because it provided me with a lot of resources I hadn't heard of before. Along with the blogs we subscribed to for the class, I subscribed to Teach with Picture Books and The Reading Workshop. I think literature should be incorporated into each subject and is so very important. This is why I chose these blogs. Though they did not update nearly as often as the others, their posts were thoughtful and gave me some new strategies to use in the classroom.

My favorite blog was Cool Cat Teacher Blog. Not only did she provide inspirational and educational stories, she also wrote things that didn't necessarily have to do with teaching, such as staying motivated yourself, looking on the bright side of things, etc. These are things that I like to see because it helps me keep things in perspective. As teachers, we can sometimes get defeated or over stressed and this blog provided motivation for me!

My favorite blog post was actually written quite frequently - YESTERDAY ;)! I love how much this blogger updates her blog. You should definitely check it out - she starts it out in the way I was telling you about earlier. She is talking about the classroom but also about life in general. She is super organized about her time. Apps are included in this blog but they are more for the person and not the students. It helps you plan out your day and get things done. The main point of this blog is making the most of your time. I definitely wished she posted this earlier in the semester because it has great advice that I needed to have! I am planning on continuing in following Cool Cat Teacher Blog after this semester ends.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is my longest blog post ever. I hope you enjoyed my Web 2.0 resources. You should definitely check out my favorite blog link. You won't regret it! Have a great rest of your week! Thanks for reading!


  1. I agree with you that literature should be incorporated into all subject areas. Literature is a great motivator for introducing lessons and it provides students with a wide array of vocabulary. I too learned a lot through following The Cool Cat Teacher Blog. I have already incorporated many of the websites that I got from this blog. I love that we can learn so much from other educators.

  2. Yes, Cool Cat Teacher is an awesome blog. There are so many nice websites that we are able to use. I enjoyed reading some of her inspirational stories as well. They were very encouraging!

  3. It's great to know where to go and find many resources. I plan to use the Big Huge Labs soon I like the poster that you were able to make. Blogging is fun but requires a lot of time.

  4. I love your Animoto. It would be a wonderful motivator for a lesson! I like your music and how the pictures form as you watch. It's very intriguing. I also want to check out Big Huge Labs to see how I can incorporate it into my lessons. They are so cute!
