Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Software, software, and MORE SOFTWARE!

Wow! This class is going by so fast. I can't believe how much I've learned in only a few short weeks. I hope everyone is having a great experience so far. Any ways, back to the software!

There are many types of software teachers can use to help with their teaching. Some are great for reinforcing knowledge while others are just great engagement activities.

I was reading Cool Cat Teacher Blog today and saw a link for some good learning tutorials. Now some of these are more for the teacher and focus on Microsoft PowerPoint (which in my opinion is kind of fading out and replaced with more interactive software) and how it can be used in different ways. There are lots of things on here that I have not seen before with Microsoft PowerPoint that can be quite interactive and engaging as a learning tutorial. You can use it to help students work a math problem step by step or look into the sequencing style of a story.

For drill and practice type software, here is a good activity for students to practice their multiplication facts. It is based as a grid and has 3 difficulty types. They get feedback if it is correct or incorrect. If students need extra help during free time, they can head on to the computer and practice. It's also great at home practice since there doesn't need to be a teacher to explain what to do.

This site gives great resources to simulations about weather and atmosphere topics. I did a few and thought they were able to be used for a number of grade levels. This could be great as a homework assignment or for enrichment time and as either a group or individual activity.

The internet is FULL of instructional game sites! My favorite is starfall. WOW! There are so many games. This is for early elementary grades who are learning their letters and are beginner readers. During play time in Kindergarten, 3 students were able to pick the computer to play games. They loved it! Plus, it was great at reinforcing their early reading skills!

SuperKids has a great number of links to problem solving software. These can be used for free time at the end of the day or during computer lab time on Fridays. Kids think they are getting to play but they are really developing problem solving skills that can give them a boost in all subjects. The links have a brief description as to what they are so you can pick the one suited for your learner and subject.

And finally, Waterford Early Learning has produced an integrated learning system for early readers. It is great for struggling students or students who just need a little extra practice. When students go to computer labs, this would be a great program for them to try as it tracks their success!

And that's all, folks! I hope this information is helpful for you!


  1. Yes Brittany! This class is going by quickly and I have learned so much! This class has made me rethink how I teach. I often think of how I can incorporate technology resources into my lessons. Now, about the software options you mentioned. I am very familiar with Starfall. My first graders love it! As a first grade teacher, reading instruction is frequently on my mind; therefore, the software, Waterford Early Learning looked interesting to me. I followed the link and it looks as if it would be excellent for students who need intervention in all areas of literacy. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Brittany I agree with you time is moving fast and I have also learned so much in this class! I’m looking forward to sharing and using the cool teaching ideas. Thanks for sharing the Waterford Early Learning site I am always looking for resources to use with struggling readers too.

  3. Waterford is a new one on me as well. I have never heard of this site but I will use it in my class. This is great for my struggling readers. I think it would be great to use during group time. I am a big fan of superkids and starfall. Starfall is one that I use religiously. I LOVE it!! Thanks for sharing!
